My learning of English

Let's talk about English ! 

I started to learn english at primary school. My teacher was a woman which (i can say it now with my adult vision) was not a real english teacher. She spoke english and she knew how to speak english so she was legitimate to teach english to french children which have 8 or 10 years old
After, at secondary school, I had real English teachers and it was so funny and pleasant to learn English with them. The thing which struck me was the fact that when we participate to say something or to speak in english the teacher said "One good for you!". And the goal was to have a lot of "Good" in order to have a good mark. This period was an easy period in my learning of english.
After, I went to high school and I started to study some text in English and for me it was a litlle bit harder. However I still love english.
I carried on study English in higher education and as you see I still learning this language !

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